The Last Century





The Last Century


Author: Frank Madson

Publication Date: February 2021

Page Number: 274



Ten years ago, Clark Benson, former actor turned musician, was living the vaunted life of a celebrity. But his dreams didn’t work out as his career dissipated and he became a shadow of his former self. The endless nights of heavy drinking and recurring excursions to rehab took what was left.


Now Clark Benson must start all over again as he charts a course on the comeback trail. This humorous, witty and eye-opening tale is the new novel from author Frank Madson.


It was expected to begin with the re-formation of his old comrades in arms, but tracking down these estranged friends becomes a more difficult task than he anticipated. As he attempts to once again make the acquaintance of movers and shakers, he recognises there is another secret episode from his past that he must confront. A wrong that needs to be righted before he can move on. Benson embarks on this journey and is aware that it’s matter of time before these events from his past become public knowledge.